Last week, I was fortunate enough to find myself hosting  a group of truly creative folks all focused on helping each other reach their goals. The seven of us took turns explaining our number one dream to the group, and then we came up with steps and strategies to bring those dreams to life! From coming up with solutions for a time management-challenged graphic artist to fundraising ideas for a student needing tuition, it was a successful event and we all went home happy with our results, looking forward to the next meeting. No matter what your goal might be, having a group of people who support you is a great help! 

Another aspect of the idea party that really appeals to me is the concept of accountability. Since we all had a hand in creating solutions to the problems, we're all interested in the outcomes. Will our ideas work? Now all the participants have a stake in the success of the others and will definitely provide support and encouragement along the way, even if it's just a quick email or a reminder call to keep someone on track. Having to come to the next party and tell the others what I've achieved since the last meeting is motivational to say the least.

I look forward to building the group and welcoming new faces as time goes by. If you are in the Barrie area and would like to join us, drop me a line.
8/19/2012 01:38:18 am

I like Idea Party. When using the word party it make is sound so much fun instead of using the word goals. I think I'm going to have one for my friends.

8/19/2012 02:57:39 am

Hi Chrissy! One thing we have learned doing Idea Parties the last few weeks is that you really need a timer to keep things on track. Each person's idea gets ten minutes of brainstorming. The timer keeps things from devolving into a meandering conversation about nothing. You will have to lay down the law to make sure everybody gets a turn. Have fun!


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